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left wing (政黨等的)左翼。

left winger

They reached the line , several bullets flew by them , and they stood still without a word . to look at the front line was a useless proceeding , since from the spot where they had been standing before , it was clear that the cavalry could not act , owing to the bushes and the steep and broken character of the ground , and that the french were out - flanking the left wing 他們到達散兵線,有幾顆子彈從他們頭上飛過,他們沉默地停下來,可是散兵線沒有什么可看的,因為從他們原先站過的地方可以清楚地看見,騎兵不能在灌木林和峽谷中作戰,法國人正向左翼繞過去。

The fourth series had the longest designing process . it takes 18 long years to make the plan final from the proposal in january 1967 to may 1985 . in this period , the process has suffered from interference from the extreme left wings , and ultimately succeeded 第四套人民幣是籌畫設計時間最長的一套人民幣,從1967年1月總行提出設計第四套人民幣的設想,到1985年5月定案,歷時18年,這期間經歷了曲曲折折,排除了各種極左干擾,最終避免了第四套人民幣在設計上的災難。

With assistance from professor paul lam s team at city university , it was discovered that the oily coating on his feathers was petroleum based . contamination was picked up from the polluted waters of aberdeen harbour . the bird also suffered trauma to its left wing 得到香港城市大學林群聲教授研究隊伍的協助下,證實麻鷹羽毛上的油性物質屬于石油,是從香港仔避風塘被污染的海水得來,而左翅亦有傷口。

After the loss of the shevardino redoubt , we found ourselves on the morning of the 25th with our left flank driven from its position , and were forced to draw in the left wing of our position and hurriedly fortify it were we could 在舍瓦爾金諾多面堡淪陷后,二十五日清晨我們已經沒有左翼陣地了,于是不得不把左翼往后撤,隨便選擇一個地方倉促地構筑工事。

Meanwhile , to the question of reviving confucianism , the particular attitude of those who advocate “ subjectiveness “ reflects a split in the left wing in the guomintang occupied areas in dealing with the chinese traditional culture 同時,在儒學的復興問題上, “主觀論”者的特定立場也反映了國統區左翼陣營在如何看待傳統文化的問題上出現的分歧。

Once i saw that the ufo was not solid , i made the decision ( with parachute ) to penetrate it with my left wing in an attempt to knock as many crystals off as possible hoping to later find on the ground for analysis 一旦我看見不明飛行物不堅硬,我作了個決定(有降落傘)用左機翼穿透它我試圖盡可能多地敲擊掉許多水晶希望稍后在地面上找到散落物。

And the russians , since it was too late for a general engagement , withdrew their left wing from the position they had intended to occupy , and took up a new position , which had not been foreseen , and was not fortified 這樣一來,俄國人已經來不及迎接大會戰了,只好撤掉他們本來要據守的左翼陣地,占領一個不曾料到的,沒有修筑工事的新陣地。

“ the left wing was in flames , a big flame and then we hear boom and the whole plane was on fire . it went straight into the water , “ vincent dilella , a 19 - year - old surfer , was quoted as saying by reuters 一名在現場的女子說,她看到飛機飛得相當低,聲音有點過響,突然,她聽到飛機發生爆炸,還看到兩塊碎片,接著飛機沖入海中。

Our task is to combat national capitulationism resolutely and , in the course of this struggle , to expand and consolidate the left wing and help the intermediate section to move forward and change its stand 我們的任務是堅決地反對民族投降主義,并且在這個斗爭中,擴大和鞏固左翼集團,爭取中間集團的進步和轉變。

Veron tackles quaresma on the left wing and porto win an attacking throw - in . . . a ball is whipped in to the nerazzurri box . . . materazzi anticipats south african striker mccarthy and clears 在左翼貝隆搶斷了夸萊斯馬,對方贏得一個前場邊線球,球被扔入了國際米蘭的禁區,馬特搶在麥卡錫之前提前判斷來球并解圍。

Between june and august in 1933 , qu qiu - bai incurred cool attack from the “ left wing “ in the cpc party following his 17 successive political reviews appeared in the party ' s central newspaper combat 摘要1933年6月8月間,瞿秋白在《斗爭》上接連發表了一組時政短評文章,因此招致黨內極“左”勢力的無情打擊。

Cement left wing and right wing together , make sure they are in a line , otherwise the airplane model can ' t normal flight and will cause serious flight accidents , and crash models 左右機翼一定要前后、上下對齊并粘牢,否則模型將不能正常飛行甚至造成嚴重的飛行事故,從而摔毀模型。

The 24 - year - old knows he is some way from full fitness , but is confident of being able to challenge stewart downing for england ' s left wing spot on october 7 這位24歲的邊鋒認為自己現在雖然仍然需要努力恢復,但是到時候自己完全可以去從唐寧的手里奪回左邊鋒的位置。

Sir alex has backed the move , saying the 32 - year - old , so often associated with slaloming runs down the left wing , could be used there on a more regular basis 阿歷克斯.弗格森爵士支持這宗改變,說這位32歲的老將經常能夠在左邊路通吃對手,這種才能在中路更為重要。

Ujfalusi brings down kily on the left wing and inter win a free kick . miha whips the ball into the viola box . . . cambiasso makes contact but his shot is wide 烏伊法魯西在左翼放倒基利,又是一個任意球,米哈將球開入對方禁區,坎比亞索搶到了點,但他的射門偏了。

While the aircraft was holding near runway 34 , its tailplane was slightly damaged by the left wing of a taxiing boeing 747 aircraft . no one was injured 事發時中富航空的飛機正在跑道34附近等候,機尾部分被另一架正在滑行的波音747型飛機左邊機翼碰撞。

This paper holds that the idea of “ subjectiveness “ is part of the reformation that the left wing made in the ever increasing national crisis and nationalism 文章認為, “主觀論”是民族危機加深和民族主義高漲的形勢下國統區左翼陣營作出的調整的一部分。

Matuzalem plays wide to rat on the left wing . the romanian whips in a cross , solari makes a headed clearance and adriano moves forward with the ball 馬圖扎勒姆傳給左路的萊特,萊特隨后傳中,索拉里頭球解圍,球落到阿德的腳下,阿德隨即拿球向前推進。

Mayday , mayday , mayday , tg612 . we have just been hit by a light aircraft , left wing tip appears to have been torn off , we ' ll divert to kung ming for landing 遇險信號, tg612剛才我們與一架輕型飛機相撞,左翼尖好象被撞掉了,我們立即改航去昆明備降。